Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Praying Mom and Working Mom

Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord, lift up your hands toward Him for the lives of your children. Lamentations 2 :19

Praying for me and my family is number one for me. It seems like it is the only thing that I can do for us these days that does not require cash or a down payment or monthly installment or some kind of tuition. I believe in prayer. It may take some time out of my busy schedule but I don't have to commute far to do it. I am a working Mom so I have limited energy and limited finances. For a working Mom, responsibilities file up especially when we get home. The list is long- cooking, feeding, laundry, cleaning, homework, church, shuttling, kids, husband, sewing, decorating, ebaying (looking for bargains) etc.

Things can get overwhelming but I have to stop and reach for my bible and start praying. I know God is listening and my family is covered in prayer.

I found another Mom, Sarah, to pray with and we meet while our kids are in choir during Wednesday night. It is really wonderful to pray for each other's family. I just really feel happy after Sarah and I do our weekly prayer, and Sarah's face is also radiant. I just pray that God will continue to protect our time as we pray for us, our families and the children's staff.

We patterned our format after the Mom's In Touch group.

We agreed we will pray for:
1st week: Husbands and kids
2nd week: Moms and kids
3rd week: kids
4th week: kids
We add any special concerns and also the children's ministry to all these.

We are hoping more moms will join us in the future but as of now, we are quite content it is just the 2 of us.

For more about praying Moms you may check out: http://www.momsintouch.org/

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